Exceptional Dentistry Services

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Usually tooth removal is straightforward and takes a short period of time. You should not feel pain during the procedure as we get your tooth numb before procedure, but you will feel pressure and hear noises. If any stitches are needed these will dissolve in about 2-4 weeks. Keep the area very clean while it heals – your dentist will tell you how best to do this.


We prefer to save natural teeth but sometimes other restorative methods such as filling or dental crown , etc. are not enough, or your tooth is badly damaged past the point of repair, then removal may be necessary.

You will get a local anaesthetic to numb the area around the tooth, so you do not feel pain. Your dentist may loosen the tooth in the gum using a tooth removal instrument called an elevator. Your dentist will then place forceps around the tooth and pull the tooth out from the gum.

When the procedure is complete, your dentist will place a piece of gauze over the extraction site and ask you to close down with firm, steady pressure. This helps slow bleeding so a blood clot can form. (Clotting is a normal aspect of recovery. It promotes healing and reduces the risk of dry sockets.) You’ll take the gauze out once the bleeding has slowed enough. You may continue to have light bleeding throughout the first 24 hours.

We will give you extra one extra gauze just in case if you need it along with post operation instruction on how to successfully manage your healing.

It depends on the complexity of your case. However, most people feel back to normal in just a few days. While you’ll be able to return to routine activities within 48 to 72 hours, it usually takes the jawbone several weeks to heal completely. Therefore, if you’re planning on replacing the tooth with a dental implant, you’ll probably need to wait a few months to allow for full recovery.

Avoid hard and crunchy foods for the first few days. Stock your fridge and pantry with soft foods like rice, pasta, eggs, yogurt and applesauce. You’ll also want to avoid drinking through straws, as this can dislodge blood clots and cause dry sockets.

Most people are able to return to work or school same day. If you have a job that requires a lot of lifting or physical labour, you may need to take a day or two.